Grb Sremska Mitrovica, Srbija PNG
4 LSGs from Vojvodine
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Srem kulen sausage

"Prerada mesa Lemaić" - Šid

Prerada mesa Lemaić & Šid
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Feta cheese

Opština Sremska Mitrovica

Grb Sremska Mitrovica, Srbija PNG
Sremska Mitrovica
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Čurug rolled cheese selection

Čurug rolled cheese selection (with peppers, fried sesame, greens) - "Mlekara Farmer Čurug" - Žabalj

Mlekara Farmer Čurug & Žabalj
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Pumpkin pie

Grb Sremska Mitrovica, Srbija PNG
4 LSGs from Vojvodine
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Urnebes pepper and cheese spread in profiterole pastry balls

Grb Sremska Mitrovica, Srbija PNG
4 LSGs from Vojvodine
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Srem barbecue sausage

Srem barbecue sausage - Sremska Mitrovica - "But & Co"
Srem barbecue sausage - Šid - "Prerada mesa Lemaić"

Grb Sremska Mitrovica, Srbija PNG
But & Co & Prerada mesa Lemaić
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Meatballs in tomato sauce

Fresh beef and pork meat - Šid

Šid Municipality
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Poppy seed roll

Black poppy seeds - Šid Municipality

Šid Municipality
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Walnut roll

Walnuts - Šid Municipality

Šid Municipality
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Plum dumplings

Grb Sremska Mitrovica, Srbija PNG
4 LSGs from Vojvodine
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White wine


Faculty of agriculture Novi Sad
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Faculty of agriculture Novi Sad
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Faculty of agriculture Novi Sad
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Pesak beli

Vinarija Vrt & Sombor
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Vinarija IN & Šid
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Vinarija IN & opština Šid
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Vino roze

Fakultetski roze

Faculty of agriculture Novi Sad
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Red wine

Dekanovo vino

Faculty of agriculture Novi Sad
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Probus - Dekanovo vino

Faculty of agriculture Novi Sad
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Faculty of agriculture Novi Sad
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Pesak Plavi

Vinarija Vrt  & Sombor
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